
26 May, 2024

The work Are Emotions Important? A Study on Social Distances for Path Planning based on Emotions has been accepted for presentation at the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2024) in Pasadena, California.

26 May, 2024

The work Too Close to You? A Study on Emotion-Adapted Proxemics Behaviours has been accepted for presentation at the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2024) in Pasadena, California.

22 Mar, 2024

The highschool Istituto Salesiano Sacro Cuore in Napoli, Italia invited me to give a talk titled: "Datemi un bit e solleverò il mondo" focused on the implication of Robotics and AI in the future of our societies. Around 200 students attended the talk and actively participated in the discussion. The event took place in the Teatro Auditorium Salesiano Salvo D'Acquisto.

09 Mar, 2024

The second edition of our workshop WARN: Weighting the benefits of Autonomous Robot persoNalization has been accepted for inclusion in the 33rd IEEE RO-MAN 2024 conference in Pasadena California, USA.

10 Feb, 2024

I was hosted at the Autonomous Systems Lab at the Technische Universitaet Wien (TUW) in Vienna, Austria, where I worked on developing non-verbal intuitive behaviours for first encounters with social robots as a visiting researcher for a five-month period.

10 Jan, 2024

The work A Rosbag Tool to Improve Dataset Reliability has been accepted as Late Breaking Report at the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2024) in Boulder Colorado, USA.

20 Oct, 2023

Our work The impact of robot communication style on user task performance was presented at the 5th edition of I-RIM 3D of in Rome, Italy.

15 Jul, 2023

I was a visiting researcher at Noosware NV in Eindhoven, The Netherlands for 2 months working on the development of emotional aware mobile robotics. This stay lead to the work Are Emotions Important? A Study on Social Distances for Path Planning based on Emotions.

01 Jun, 2023

The work Sweet Robot O’Mine - How a Cheerful Robot Boosts Users' Performance in a Game Scenario has been accepted for presentation at the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2023) in Busan, Korea.

22 Mar, 2023

The workshop WARN: Weighting the benefits of Autonomous Robot persoNalization has been accepted for inclusion in the 32nd IEEE RO-MAN 2023 conference in Busan, South Korea.

13 Mar, 2023

The CONCATENATE workshop gave me the opportunity to present my work ''An Interaction-centric Approach to Metrics in Social HRI'' during the Human-Robot Interaction conference 2023 HRI2023 held in Stockholm, Sweden.

02 Mar, 2023

The highschool Liceo Statale Ghandi in Casoria, Italy invited me to give a talk on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.

14 Dec, 2022

I presented my work named Exploring Non-Verbal Strategies for Initiating an HRI in the interactive poster session of the International Conference of Social Robotics ICSR2022 held in Florence, Italy.

14 Dec, 2022

The work named On The Emotional Transparency of a Non-Humanoid Social Robot was presented by me during the interactive poster session of the International Conference of Social Robotics ICSR2022 held in Florence, Italy.

01 Sep, 2022

I co-presented the work named Familiar Acoustic Cues for Legible Service Robots in the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive (ROMAN2022) held in Naples, Italy.

24 May, 2021

The local newspaper ForliToday interviewed me about how my career developed in Italy as well as in Germany and how I feel about the future of Robotics and AI.

24 May, 2021

Had the chance to interact for two hours with (former) German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder. They visited the MIRMI lab at the TUM, where I was Research Assistant.

23 May, 2019

The work on closed-loop Human-Robot Handshake gained attention in several newspaper Corriere di Siena, il cittadino online.

22 May, 2019

18 May, 2019

The bank La BCC Ravennate Forlivese e Imolese awarded me with a grant of 1000€ for my academic results.

18 Dec, 2018

The students of my former high school in Forli ITE Matteucci were presented with my career, where I had the opportunity to share my experience as a researcher and my passion for robotics.

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